Friday 18 August 2017


Article writing
Importance of Value Education
by _____

Values are those principles or standards which help the quality oflife.Values modify the do’s and don’ts of behavior.They are the basic elements of character formation and personality development.The values which spring from within  the core of the heart like compassion,sympathy etc lay the foundation for external practiced values like honesty,discipline,punctuality and honesty.

The   most  important thing to remember is that the values are priceless.In today’s fast paced competitive world ,man seems to have compromised on his values ,integrity and character. In a bid to earn more and more material wealth, unlawful activities in human behavior which is slowly breaking the structure of the society, nation and the world. Therefore  there is an urgent need to reinforce value education.

Schooling is the right time to impart value education so that right impressions are formed in the child’s mind which will guide him throughout his life. School is a common platform where children come fromvarious backgrounds and here they spend their maximum time.So,human values can be easily taught to them.Children learn more by observation, perception and intuition rather than being told or taught about values. Therefore,both parents and teachers need to present themselves as role models whom the children can look upto for guidance and motivation.

Article writing

Impact of Media on Teenagers

by -----

As we know that media is everywhere and has become a part of our real life. It plays a dominant role in our learning process. Media has the potential to shape personalities, change the way we think and understand the world .With the help of internet  we can create new social contacts all over the world. People today are better informed because of thriving press freedom.

Media has contributed a lot in enlightening as well as enriching the society.But   it has in some ways degraded the society. It depends on our youth how they use it. Youth with good moral values will take advantage of the media to enrich their life but a youth with a bad moral background, internet will destroy him completely.

Though media’s role is to inform, educate and entertain it also corrupts and contributes to the moral degradation of the society.The media ought to be used as a tool for solving and promoting youth matters so that the youth can be well oriented and educated on the roles they are expected to play in the society.