Saturday, 9 December 2017

CLASS VII   Friends and Flatterers
Read the extracts and answer the qs.:
Stanza 1
Every one that flatters thee
Is no friend in misery.
Words are easy, like the wind;
Faithful friends are hard to find:
·         Flatter – Praise
·         Thee – You
·         Misery – Struggle; trouble; pain; difficulty
·         Faithful – Committed; loyal
1.   Name the poem and the poet.
     The poem is ‘Friends and Flatterers.’and the poet is William Shakespeare.
2.   Why shouldn’t we trust a flattering friend like a real friend?
We should not trust a flattering friend because they always leave us in our misery.These friends are only for good times.
3.   Why are words compared to wind?
Words are compared to wind as flattering friends use them quickly and easily.Their words
            meaningless and directionless   just like the wind.
4.   .What do you mean by ‘a friend in misery?’
A friend in misery is a real friend who will be with us in our good and bad times alike.
      5.   Name the poetic device in line-3.
Stanza 2
Every man will be thy friend
Whilst thou hast wherewith to spend;
But if store of crowns be scant,
No man will supply thy want.
·         Thy – Your
·         Whilst – While
·         Hast – Has
·         Wherewith – Money
·         Store of crowns – Money
·         Scant – Low
·         Supply – Give
·         Thy want – Your need
1.   When do we find ourselves surrounded by friends?
We find ourselves surrounded by friends when we have wealth and money to spend for them.
2.   When do flattering friends abandon us?
Flattering friends abandon us when we have less money to spend on them.
Stanza 3
If that one be prodigal,
Bountiful they will him call,
And with such-like flattering,
‘Pity but he were a king;’
·         Prodigal – Spendthrift; over-spending;
·         Bountiful – Abundant
·         Such-like – As if
·         Pity – Sympathy
·         But he were a king – As if he were a king
1.   What does prodigal mean? OR Who is a prodigal person?
Prodigal is one who wastes money without giving any thought to the future.
2.   Whose company do people generally like?
People generally like the company of those who are prodigal and generously on them.

3.   How do people flatter a prodigal friend?
People flatter their prodigal friends by saying that they are sorry he is not a king. They repeatedly say that such qualities as his could  only be found in kings.
Stanza 4
But if Fortune once do frown,
Then farewell his great renown
They that fawn’d on him before
Use his company no more.
·         Fortune – Luck
·         Frown – Be angry
·         Farewell – Depart, lose
·         Renown – Fame
·         Fawn’d – Flattered
1.   What happens to your flatterers when your luck turns bad?
When luck turns bad, our flatterers will bid farewell to us. They will not stay with us any more.
2.   What does the frown of fortune indicate?
Frown of fortune means bad luck.
3.   What does farewell his great renown mean?
It means losing all fame due to bad fortune. Fame here signifies being famous for spending money lavishly.
4.   Why do they fawn on him before?
They fawn on him before because earlier he had sufficient money to spend on them.
Stanza 5
He that is thy friend indeed,
He will help thee in thy need:
If thou sorrow, he will weep;
If thou wake, he cannot sleep;
·         Sorrow – Worry
·         Weep – Cry
1.   What are the qualities of real friends according to the stanza?
The real friend is the one who cannot watch his friend go through trouble. He shares his friend’s worries and suffers as if it is his own worry.
Stanza 6
Thus of every grief in heart
He with thee doth bear a part.
These are certain signs to know
Faithful friend from flattering foe.
·         Grief – Sadness
·         Doth – Does
·         Bear – Suffer
·         Foe – Enemy
1.   What does ‘every grief in heart mean?’
It means that everylittle sadness that we may have in our heart.
2.   Who is ‘he’ in the above lines?
‘He’ in the above lines refers to a real friend.
3.   Explain  the  term ‘flattering foe’?
A ‘flattering foe ’means a person who flatters you for his selfish needs. Such a person is not a friend but an enemy.
4.   Who according the poet is a true friend?
A true friend is someone who helps you in your need. He will be sad if you are in sorrow. He will not be able to sleep when you are awake.A true friend will ba a part of your grief and sadness.


II. In  the  III stanza,the poet says, ‘Pity but he were a king,’ if a person is a  king, why is he to be pitied ?
If a person is a king, , he is to be pitied because he oes not realise that he is not a king in real sense .but he is being addressed so by the flatterers for their selfish motives as he has surplus money to
spend on them. The moment he loses money ,they will also leave his company and disappear.

IV. Values

Ther is a marked difference between the sincere appreciation of a faithful friend and the artificial flattery of a flattering foe. Discuss.

A true friend is like a solitaire. It is not easy to find a true friend because in this world we come across many people who pretend to be nice to us .By flattering us , they  remain our friend till we have money and leave us as soon as our treasures are over. But a true friend is like a shadow of our own. He will be always with us through our thick and thin. He will be happy when we are happy and depressed when we are sad. He will share the pain but never flatter us. He will tell our mistake in a fearless but decent manner. He will always be with us in our times of need. These are the qualities of a true friend  which we should   remember while choosing a friend. We should treasure our true friends as they are hard to find.


  1. Name the poetic device used in line "And with such like flattering" in stanza?

  2. Super can we download this app

    1. You are so foolish😁😁😁

    2. You are so foolish😁😁😁

    3. mam but you teaches 7-a eng grammar

    4. Thank you sooo much .This is very helpful for my examination. Plzzzz keep updating questions like thid

  3. identify four pairs of rhyming words from the poem and find out the rhyme scheme of the poem?
    what will be the answer of this question?

    1. Thee misery
      Wind find
      Friend spend

      Aabb rhyming scheme

    2. Indeed-Deed , Weep-Sleep , Know-Foe , Before-More

      Rhyming Scheme - aa bb

  4. Superb
    The answers are really helpful

  5. Superb
    The answers are really helpful

  6. Mam! What is the rhyme scheme of this poem?

  7. Helpful but not much . It's good

  8. Hated it bekar answers a except the last one

  9. Wonderful questions . Very useful too

  10. It helped me a lot in my exam.🤓🤓😊😊

  11. It helped me a lot in my exam.🤓🤓😊😊

  12. How she faithful friends different from flattering foes?

  13. Writing skills question answer nahi hai

  14. Identify four pairs of rhyming words from the poem and find out the rhyme scheme of the poem.

  15. Excellent poem on friendship

  16. Feeling the beauty of poem what a poem

  17. the explanation is good but not better

  18. Very nice yaar
    Very helpfull.......

  19. Very nicely explained......🙂

  20. Amazing and it's very helpful to score full marks in exam 👍👍👍👍

  21. This 'Friendship', I had when I was in 8th std. Now I am 67 years.

  22. it really help me a lot Sushovita didi

  23. Very well, formed questions , and it helped me a lot

  24. Thanks man for helping me to know about the thought of My favourite poet ....👍👍👍🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️

  25. thanks for such a nice revision

  26. Thanks for the the answer di😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

  27. Nice aaadfghghhhhhvguhbubfdjckc yummy dinner bring him so fg hi ug fish n size didn't find c No of the temple and I am not sure if I am going to be in the office tomorrow and will be back in the office on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday this week and I will be there at earliest as I am not able to make it to the meeting tonight but I am not sure if I am going to be in the office tomorrow and will be back in the office on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday off so I can get a ride to the airport on Sunday and I will be there at earliest as I am not feeling well today and will be back in the office on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday this week

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Ans1-the speaker was defined to jim hackens and wherere jim hacking the computer and the sailors were drunk dead

  30. Veery goooooooooooooooooooooood😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀🏤👌🏤🏤👌👌👌👌👌🙌🙌🙌😅😅😅🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑😝😝😝😝☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺⚜⚜

  31. Replies
    1. What does the poet mean by 'words are easy
