Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Class – VIII
Chapter-12  A Bad Dream
                  by Donn Byrne
1. Why was Mr. Hill upset with Annie?
Ans. Mr. Hill was upset with Annie because she was a bad cook. She wasn’t able to prepare good coffee too. Mr. Hill felt embarrassed when people came to his house for dinner and got bad food.
2. What did Mr. Hill expect his wife to do in the parties? 
Ans. Mr. Hill was the manager of the bank. He wanted his wife to meet and socialize with people who came to his house for parties. He believed it would be good to make healthy relations with customers as it benefitted the bank.
3. How can we say that Mrs. Hill was a kind-hearted, considerate lady?
Ans. When Mrs. Hill told his wife that Annie should go and they must hire a new cook, she objected saying that Annie had worked with them for 20 years. She also tried to convince Mr. Hill that it would be difficult for her to find a new job at such an old age.
4. What was Annie’s reaction when she came to know that Mr. Hill had lost his job?
Ans. When Annie came to know that Mr. Hill had lost his job, she told him that it didn’t matter if he couldn’t pay her. She’d continue working as she had a feeling of belongingness towards the house where she had worked for twenty years. She was understanding, sympathetic and considerate.
B.Read these extracts from the play and answer the questions that follow:
1. ‘How will she find a new job?’
a. Who is ‘she’ and why should she look for a new job?
Ans. ‘She’ refers to Annie. She should look for a new job because Mr. Hill wants her to go as he thinks she is a bad cook.
b. Why it will be difficult for her to find a new job?
Ans. It will be difficult for her to find a new job because she has grown old.
c. Why does the speaker react in such a manner?
Ans. Mrs. Hill reacted in such a manner because Annie has been working for them for twenty years. Mrs. Hill is a kind-hearted and considerate lady and understands Annie’s problem.

2. ‘We had to do it, sir. We were only thinking of the bank.’
a. Who does ‘sir’ refer to?
Ans. ‘Sir’ refers to Mr. Hill, the manager of the bank. ‘We’ refers to Briggs, the assistant manager of the bank and Winter, the cashier.
b. What did they have to do?
Ans. They had to tell Mr. Hill to resign from his job as the manager of the bank. They had taken permission for the head office to do so.
c. What was their reason for doing so?
Ans. They wanted Mr. Hill to resign because they felt that he was not doing his job sincerely. He was not nice to the people in the bank. Therefore, in the interest of the bank, they had to do so.

3. ‘But, George, why have you changed suddenly?’
a. What kind of a man was George earlier?
Ans. Earlier, George was a rude, insensitive, arrogant and self-centred man.
b. What changes have come over George?
Ans. George has become kind, considerate, sensitive and caring.
c. What is the reason for these changes?
Ans. A bad dream which he had in the afternoon made him realize his mistake and changed him into a compassionate man.

C. Compare and contrast the character of Mr. Hill with that of Mrs. Hill.
Ans. After Mr. Hill had got promoted as the manager of the bank, he changed completely. He had become rude, arrogant, indifferent, insensitive and self-centred.
Mrs. Hill, on the other hand, was kind, compassionate and considerate. She did not agree when Mr, Hill suggested that Annie should leave as she was a bad cook. Mrs. Hill said that Annie had been working in their house sincerely for twenty years and had grown old. She delayed telling Annie to find a new job. She knew that Annie considered herself as the member of the family and would be hurt.
‘Mr. Hill had a bad dream’-was the dream really bad?
Ans. Annie, the cook at Mr. Hill’s house, had worked for the family for twenty years. She considered the home to be her own. It would be difficult for her to find a new job at her age. But Mr. Hill was inconsiderate and insensitive as he wanted her to go because she was a bad cook. His dream taught him a lesson. He dreamt that the staff of the bank had visited him and told him to resign as he did not work efficiently and he was not nice to the staff members. Mr. Hill was very upset and tried to reason them but failed. When he woke up, he realized that he had put Annie in the similar situation. He was regretful and his bad dream changed him into a good human being.

Writing Skills
Imagine you are Mr. Hill. Your unpleasant conversation with Mr. Briggs and Mr. Winter awakens your conscience and changes your attitude towards Annie. Write a diary entry expressing your feelings for her before and after your meeting with the visitors.
Ans. Dear Diary
It was really a strange day. I had a dream during my afternoon nap which has completely changed me. After becoming the bank manager, I had become rude and arrogant. I even wanted Annie, our cook for past years, to be dismissed as she made bad food. I was only concerned about my reputation among my guests. I did not even consider her old age. I just wanted to make my customers happy. But my dream awakened my conscience and changed my attitude towards Annie. In the dream, I saw that I had to resign as I hadn’t discharged properly and no one in the bank liked me. My dream made me realize Annie’s situation who is just like our family member. I felt very sorry and decided that I would keep her and bring some one else to help her in her work.

Mr. Hill


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. Not so good answer as all can do the back questions after reading the chapter if want to send. Send only in between or self made questions and answers

  4. Thanku but life skills and values were not here.

  5. I want to have sex with someone.please give me your vagina

  6. Thanks because of your help I complete my holiday homework... Thanks a lot..

  7. Nice but some questions are missing

  8. Where is lifeskills and values

  9. Where is life skills and values

  10. Thankx.. But value is not given🙄🙄

  11. Thanks i am happy with this and we have to do some things with ourselves sooo... Thankssss.

    And dont mind other commentss

  12. Really it's nice.It's halp me very much for doing my homework

  13. vary good😕😎😎😎😎😎😎

  14. Very good😋😎😎😎😎😎😎

  15. Very good😋😋😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

  16. Thank you so much

  17. There is no life skills and values

  18. There is no values and life skills.

  19. Nice only life skill left��������

  20. Silly errors improvement needed

  21. Sala chutiya kamina middle finger kutte teri maa ki aakh chamaar

    1. Hey buddy!! 😠😠, Don't say like that....
      Don't pollute the environment by using those abusive things.I think that your mouth is the best example of a dustbin. Whenever you will open it only slangs will come out if it. You are totally uncivillised.

    2. arey o bacha hai bacha rhey

  22. Thank you for the best answer.......

  23. Why the ques values,life skills and writing skill questions was removed from it..

    1. No matter , your teacher are not good in teaching.

  24. It help me for my test.

  25. In question 3 answer first line mr hill will come

  26. Thanks but no lifeskills & values

  27. All the question are same who right write by the teacher of me this is right and same all the question are same

  28. Perfect answers thanks for helping me

  29. Thanks but where is life skill and value based. Kisi ki aata h to BATA do Yaar please.......................😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  30. Thanks but plese update values and life skill so that it will be fully helpful by us..

  31. Nice sir i Read single time and ihave learn all answer

  32. Thanks a lot... for these answers ... you are great ....

  33. Nice answers but where did values and life skills

  34. Where is life skill and values it is important to ☹😞

  35. Sir can send me your no. I have to suggest you something.

  36. Thanks but no life skills and values and about author


  38. abey bevde kya bolta tu papa banta hai malum hai na !!!!!!!! poster chhhapvade bete .........................

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  42. Thanks for the question answer

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